Covers all categories.

Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Ministry as Essential in Lockdown

Marcus speaks about shepherding the flock of God and how Cornerstone’s elders and leaders are able to work and carry out their pastoral duties now that Christian workers are seen as part of essential services. He also updates us on how we are supporting families in need while David lets us know how things are going with Rev Youth. Finally, we end off with some details on our Key Women Online event happening on 27 June.

Cornerstone Church Sign Language – Sunday Meeting 7 June

Join us at 9:30am as we stream live from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue. Connect and share with the Cornerstone community on our Church Online Platform at as we as we worship Jesus together and continue our series. Interpreted by Danielle Joubert in South African Sign Language.

Cornerstone Church Live Sunday Morning Online – 7 June 2020 – 9:30am

Join us at 9:30am as we stream live from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue. Connect and share with the Cornerstone community on our Church Online Platform at as we as we worship Jesus together and continue our series in the book of Joel.

Cornerstone Church Live Wednesday Prayer – 3 June 2020 – 6:00pm

Join us in prayer at 6pm right across the city of Johannesburg as we stream live from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue. Pray along on our Church Online Platform at

Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Discipleship Basics & Going Forward under Level 3

Marcus continues his mini-series on discipleship basics and updates us on how we will go forward under level 3 of lockdown, while Barry updates us on how our relief efforts are going.

Cornerstone Church Sign Language Sunday Meeting 31 May

Join us at 9h30 for our Sunday Meeting. Interpreted by Danielle Joubert and Linley Verster in South African Sign Language.

Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Online – Pentecost Sunday – 31 May 2020 – 9:30am

Join us at 9:30am on our Church Online Platform at and connect with everyone as we as we worship Jesus together and celebrate the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Cornerstone Church Wednesday Prayer – 27 May 2020

We pray for Hope Rock Church (Austin, Texas), NewDay Church (Edenvale) and in increase in the Spirit’s anointing over Marcus and Adele. Join us in prayer!

Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Discipleship Basics from 2 Timothy 1,2

Keep praying that churches would be considered an essential service – church in a community is essential!

Marcus also continues to unpack some discipleship basics from 2 Timothy 1, 2. Relationships are what being a community is all about!

Cornerstone Church Sign Language – Sunday Meeting 24 May

Join us this Sunday at 09h30 for our Sunday Morning Meeting. Interpreted by Danielle Joubert and Linley Verster in South-African Sign Language.