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Prophecy from Leo Nicotra (26 May 2019)
We were blessed to have Leo and Christine Nicotra with us for our Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference and for Sunday, 26 May 2019. Leo and Christine are from Glorious Gospel Church in Sydney, Australia and serve on the NCMI team. Leo gave us a word from the Lord on the Sunday morning that we believe was very much on point with many other things God has been saying to us. Below is a transcription of the prophecy. You can download his preach that morning, and the prophecy, over here.
“I just want to encourage you, this is an amazing church and God has His hand here on this church and on this amazing family. I believe that God is raising up an army and you are His army. A beautiful, creative, multi-cultural mix – and it’s God’s army!
“Two days ago, we were praying for our Kaleidoscope time and our time to speak into the life of this church. I don’t see visions a lot, but my eyes were closed, and I could see very, very clearly a building exactly like this one. The building was a church building and I’m pretty sure it was this building and I could see water and, as large as the building is, I could see water as large on top of the building, on the roof; and it was white-wash, like waves, almost bubbling and bubbling. And it felt like it’s going to overflow like a champagne bottle when the bottle is broken and it was bubbling and the white-wash waves were as big as the whole building, on top of the building, and it felt like it wanted to get out.
“And so, God is doing something. He is stirring, and He is obviously busy with the ‘call to action’, the series you have been busy with this whole year. I suppose God is saying the direction the water is going to go is out, to bless this city, to bless this nation and the nations of the world.
“I honour this church. It has a lot of history, and as we are praying, with Marcus and Adele leading for the past 20 years, and history even before that, I still feel very, very strongly that your future is far greater than your past. Church plants will be way more than you planted in the past.
“I don’t say that lightly. I just feel that as you guys have taken a hold of the Lord, that you focus and stay in tune with Him, as a church, as a family, then obviously in these last days it’s going to be far greater than what God has done in the past.
“So, you will be tempted to maintain and get comfortable, but that’s why you have been called to action!”
Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference 2019
23 – 25 May at Cornerstone Church Johannesburg
Register at
“Rise up in splendour and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and the glory of the Lord is shining upon you.” – Isaiah 60:1
It’s time for our annual Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference! Every year we have an absolutely fantastic time, and this year we’re looking very forward to exploring what it means to FLOURISH in the Lord!
Prayer & Fasting 2020
From 6pm, Tuesday 19 May until 6pm, Wednesday, 20 May we’ll be praying and fasting as a church across the city of Johannesburg.
Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope 2018
24 – 26 May at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
How to Evangelise
By Phil Pillans
A fair amount of time at church is spent on preaching and teaching about the Great Commission. In other words, Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations and to baptise them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Does this scare you? Guess what – this is perfectly normal.
The first thing that you should know is that Christ can use anybody – whether you are a so-called people’s person, or shy. The first requirement of the Great Commission is faith. You can nurture your faith through prayer, reading the Word, and connecting with other believers.
So what’s next? Here are a few pointers.
1. It’s not about you. Always show respect for the other person’s beliefs and private life – we cannot change them, that’s the work of the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3:15-16).
2. Pray in the Spirit. Pray quietly in tongues and listen to them and the Holy Spirit while the other person is speaking. You are changing the spiritual realm around you and may receive a word of wisdom or knowledge for them. Tongues is also a weapon of spiritual warfare (2 Cor 4:4, Eph 6:18 & 2 Cor 10:3-5).
3. Spread the Good News. It is especially important to tell potential believers that God loves them and they were put on this earth for a purpose (John 3:16).
4. You can’t be a person’s conscience. Don’t try and be the Holy Spirit and convict people of their sin. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job (Romans 2:4). It’s the goodness, patience and kindness of God that leads to repentance because love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8) for we are saved by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
5. Be a friend in Christ. If a person on the street responds and you lead them to the Lord, try to walk them down to the church so they know where it is, and if available offer them coffee/ tea/ biscuits and, most of all, friendship. Jesus didn’t say we should make converts, He said we make disciples, which happens when a person is integrated into the life of a church, sits under biblical teaching, builds relationships, and matures in the Lord (Matt 28:19).
God will always take the little faith we have and multiply it!
Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash
Children’s Church: God’s love is for everyone
We did some math sums this week. We worked out that this year we had approximately 76 hours to impact your children at Children’s Church. That means that we had just over three days out of 365 days to build relationship and teach our children. That little number can seem disheartening, but God used “three days” this year to do incredible things in our children’s lives. We are amazed when we look back at the time, passion and resources our leaders put into this year with the deep desire to see your children know Jesus better. It was encouraging and somewhat sad to end the year this past Sunday.
Our Part
This Sunday we ended off our theme of God’s love by looking at how His love is for everyone and lasts forever. We are so accustomed in life to expect things to run out: money runs out, petrol comes and then is gone, batteries have energy and then die, food is fresh but then rots etc. We can live with this anxiety that everything will run out one day. But God’s love is so different. His love does not run out, dry up, die or rot. His love is eternal and He gives it to everyone.
Your Part
Enjoy this holiday season with your family. Spend time showing love to each other and to others. Keep talking about the gospel for that is great evidence of God’s great love.
We look forward to the new year!
– The Children’s Church team