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Short update from Keir and Callie Tayler in Poland

Here’s a short update from Callie Tayler, currently in Poland on an apostolic trip with her husband, Keir:

We’ve been in four towns already where several churches gather to hear the Word.  We’ve been so very blessed to see the changes since we were here two years ago and how they have grown and implemented New Testament church principals.

The first town was Swidnik and they were all so excited to have us back and to tell Keir what has happened to them and how they are praying every day for revival in Poland.  It was a great time of heart connections and I was amazed at how much they love and respect Keir.

The next day we travelled an hour and a half to Radzin where the church was full and expectant. Many miracles have happened in this small church in its nine years and again God has proved himself faithful. A man who was crippled first gave his heart to Jesus and left his crutch behind as he was totally healed. A woman with terrible calcification in her neck and shoulders was laughing for joy as she could swing her arms and move her neck. Another lady was healed of breathing problems. And there was another testimony where a chronic disease was healed where a lady was going for an MRI scan free from excruciating pain and so it went on.  How exciting it is to see our Lord through His Spirit operate in people’s lives and set them free from these bondages.

We then went to the town of Parcewz. A vibrant expectant gathering of three churches awaited us. God’s presence was evident and they were so happy we had come back to minister as the prophetic Word given them two years ago was evident in the church.  Again God confirmed his Word with salvations and people being baptised in the Holy Spirit and healed in many different things – legs, backs, feet etc. It was a glorious time.

From there we have moved to Hrubieszow for two nights. We are expectant for the Holy Spirit to move here as many people are oppressed and downcast.   It is a lot of moving and ministering and sleeping in some very strange places but worth every minute when I see how much they love the presence of God.  They are fervent in praying and excited in God!!!

Our dearest love to you all,

Another update, sent Friday 8 November

Jesus went about to all the towns and villages teaching and proclaiming the gospel and healing Matt 5 23. As Jesus did so we follow His example.

Poland has been just like that. Sometimes there are a few churches gathered together to hear the Word of life and other times we are sent to the villages and smaller churches that have never had someone from Africa come and share the love of Jesus with them .

At all times we count it such a privilege and the Holy Spirit comes and changes lives sets the captives free and heals those who are oppressed.

Our last visit was to the city of Hrubieszow to a fairly small church. After ministering the Word at two sessions God confirmed His Word with healings. A woman with a goiter in her throat could swallow and talk again and a woman with scholiosis could lift her arms and jumped up and down as the pain instantly departed from her back and legs. She came up and took my face and said “I will never forget you”.

I felt so humbled as she was an extremely poor lady living in a shelter for women. All the time as we travel into towns cities and villages we are reminded that Jesus sees every person as precious in His sight and we are to see them with His eyes.

A couple of ladies had healings in their eyes and one man had terrible pain in all his joints and stomach and the pain left.

Sometimes it is hard as we sleep in tiny beds with very thin mattresses and we move around to different churches constantly with ministry every day but it is all about advancing His Kingdom one place at a time so we count it a joy.

We are in a city now called Radom and ministering twice into a church of about 100 people. Last night a pregnant lady came to the front to repent and give her heart back to Jesus. She wept and wept and people lined up for healing.

We go to a village church tonight in Stratowice, and then back to Radom for Sunday meetings. Our internet exposure is very erratic and where we are based now we cannot get so I do this letter so when we do connect again it can go to you all.

Our love in His service, Keir and Callie

Quick update from Mark Meeske in Indonesia

Update from Mark Meeske, currently doing apostolic work in Indonesia:

He shared last night and God came in power. There were healings and the Spirit refreshed and empowered many. They are trusting for more of that and they’re all very excited.

He says there are 300 folk there and they are hungry for more of God and being encouraged in a big way. Worship is awesome.

Keep praying for Mark and feel free to encourage him via SMS. If you have any prophetic words for them, SMS him as well.

All Those Sins are Washed Away

by Ryan Peter

One of the hardest things to believe in Christianity is that, quite simply, all our sins are forgiven and washed away through simply asking God to forgive us.

We complicate this endlessly. But the Bible is emphatic — our sins are washed away by the blood of the Lamb.

If they are washed away when you become a Christian, they are washed away as you live as a Christian.

Listen to this: THEY ARE WASHED AWAY. If you sin and sin and sin and sin constantly, doing the same thing, these are WASHED AWAY by the Blood of the Lamb. You can sin now and ask for forgiveness and then sin in the next moment and then ask for forgiveness. God doesn’t count your sins, He washes them away. We count them. He doesn’t. When God looks at you He sees you as righteous because you are in Christ.

Your sins are washed away. Washed away, washed away, washed away.

It’s so hard to really believe it, isn’t it? We want to constantly add conditions. Are you sorry enough for your sins? Are you determined to stop doing them? Did you repent properly? Did you do all the acts of penance correctly?

The promise is that Jesus washes away our sins if we ask. It’s really simple. When I first decided to believe in Christ I asked God to forgive me of my sins and he did so. I didn’t have to worry about all this other stuff. I simply repented and that was that. Why should I have to worry about it now?

His mercies are new each morning. His steadfast love never fails. (Lamentations 3:22, 23.)

Originally published at

Why Life Team? Shannon Strydom

Shannon (left) with Faye Mc Clean, who also did Life Team in 2004.

Thinking about – or know someone who’s thinking about – doing Cornerstone’s Life Team next year? Shannon Strydom was part of the Life Team in 2004. She was 22 at the time and had just completed her studies and year of community service as an occupational therapist. Here’s what Life Team was like for her.

I found Life Team to be an incredible experience involving lots of hard work, many challenges, tons of fun, awesome team mates – some of whom remain my closest friends – and times in God’s presence that were so life-changing that I remember them with clarity, even nearly 10 years later.

I’d like to highlight one aspect that was definitive for our year: the trips that we went on as a team. We went on more than 11 ministry trips and each provided unique opportunities to learn, grow and give. These trips included outreaches to Mpumalanga, Viljoenskroon in the Free State, Mafikeng and Mooi River; accompanying Marcus as he ministered in Port Elizabeth; braaing more than 2000 chicken wings for the celebration of a church transition in Venda; hanging out with another team in Cape Town; ministering to the church in East London; team building in Ramsgate; assisting at the Junior Youth Camp; serving at the Bloem LTT (now Equip) and the Lesotho LTT; and serving for a month in Malawi. Throughout the year, an understanding and appreciation of the apostolic heart of the Gospel was birthed in my heart.

Looking back over nine and a half years, it’s easier to pick out the milestones that shape your life, and I can say that 2004 was definitely one of those.

How you choose to respond to the opportunities and lessons that the experience of Life Team brings is up to you.

Kaleidoscope 2013: Lives Were Touched

Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2013

by Justine Engelbrecht

Many women’s lives were touched at this year’s Kaleidoscope through Jean Guthrie’s ministry and the wonderful women of Cornerstone’s eldership. Through amazing faith and their blessings, hearts were restored and lives changed. Here are some of the bible verses and messages that were imparted over these three amazing days.

Here are some of my highlights – scriptures and points – from the event.

When you are born again you have a new image. We have Jesus’ image. We can only radiate with Jesus’ Spirit in us. We must yield to His Spirit so that we can radiate for Him. Our “aim” must be to look like Him.

Genesis 1:26-27

What has happened to the image of God in us?

Genesis 3:6-12

Adam & Eve were clothed in God’s glory but when they sinned that glory was removed from them and they were naked. When we sin we become separated from God, but through Jesus we can go to Him & receive forgiveness. The only way is to be born again.

Romans 8:29

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

This is so very important and it is something we should remind ourselves of everyday – To never stop praying for family and other people, as all you can take to heaven are people.

Luke 20:21-25

God has a rightful claim on every person. We need to bear His image. He wants us to be filled with and led by His Spirit. We need to be wrapped in His glory.

2 Peter 1:4

Yield to the Spirit. Satan is trying to rub off God’s image from people and replace it with his image. But we must resist it and pray for those that are in that place.

How does Satan rub off God’s image? Through things such as:

Addictions – alcohol and nicotine






Low self image

Low self esteem



But Jesus is the Prince of Peace & our Saviour. He sets us free & we don’t need to rely on anything or anyone but Him. In Him we have JOY! Nothing can compete with the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit everything is human effort.

No Holy Spirit equals no result – but when He comes in there are results. Jesus didn’t leave us alone; He gave us the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a person. There is no power that can stand against the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of these scriptures came up during our time together:

Acts 1:4-5

Acts 1:8 (God wants to use us!)

Matthew 3:11

Acts 2:1-4 (God wants to baptise us with the Holy Spirit and fire so that we will never be the same. Ignite the fire.)

1 Corinthians 14:1-2, 14-15

Jude 20 (Stay in the Spirit! The Spirit needs to dominate the flesh.)

John 16:5-15 (Every one of us can have the Holy Spirit)

Without the anointing nothing happens. Outside of Jesus there is no anointing.

Isaiah 10:27

The anointing destroys the yoke. The anointing is the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not hype. It’s not fleshly preaching, praying, singing, dancing, entertainment and shouting; it is the presence of God

Acts 4:13

Anointing comes from being with Jesus. So we must pray!

The anointing is the touch of God on my life. One touch and you will never be the same. It’s like electricity. Therefore yield to the spirit of God.

The anointing can be seen in certain things:

– Your countenance changes

– Holy weeping

– Spontaneous speaking in tongues

– Getting intoxicated with the Holy Spirit

– Sinners repent

– Spontaneous praise & worship

– Shaking & falling

– Heat

Acts 8:14

Acts 19:11-12

Acts 5:12-15 (The anointing can be transferred.)

1 John 2:27

There is a personal believers anointing. There is corporate anointing. The anointing comes from the Throne Room of Heaven. You do not want someone else’s anointing, you must get the original anointing from the original Anointer which is God Himself.

Yield to the Holy Spirit.

Exodus 40.38

Original gospel mandate, impossible without the power of God.

‘The Presence of God is so precious to me, that I yielded and yielded and yielded and was changed!’

The Presence of God

We must be filled with the Holy Spirit, without Him we can do nothing. Like a glove needs a hand to do what needs to be done, so we need the Holy Spirit. We are the glove and He is the hand.

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will never be the same again, in the same way Saul became Paul on the Damascus road. We all need a Damascus road experience.

Yield to the Holy Spirit, do not grieve Him.

2 Corinthians 3:6

“Spirit makes alive”

If you have a head, Jesus has a flame for you. Your flame has a name!

2 Corinthians 5:17-21

– God has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

– We are a His ambassadors.

– We are to be flames of fire.

– There is no such thing as a silent gospel.

– God is working with us, and within us.

– We have to be on fire for Jesus Christ otherwise we cannot set others on fire.

– Stir the gift, be set on fire.

– Yield to God’s Spirit & His Power.

Psalm 42, 63

Matthew 3:11

Jeremiah 5:14

– God’s power can’t come out of you unless it’s in you.

– God has plans for us & it is in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 104:4

– ‘Wind is messenger, fire and flame ambassadors’

– Yield to the Spirit, Yield to the Fire, Now is the time, now is the Hour!

Romans 12:11

– To be filled with zeal, you must be filled with fuel.

Please be encouraged to look up the verses and to receive the incredible blessings that Jesus has in store for you. Yield to His Spirit, receive His grace and power!

Ukwakha Isizwe Newsletter – October 2013

Why Life Team? Tebz Ntuli

Thinking about – or know someone who’s thinking about – doing Cornerstone’s Life Team next year? Tebz Ntuli was part of the Life Team in 2009. Here’s what it was like for him.

I just about grew up in the Church and Life Team seemed like one of those things you did if you didn’t really know what to do the next year after grade 12, or because that’s what most people did after school. Needless to say that view completely changed and I can confidently say my life and future also changed.

Some of the stuff I absolutely loved was just how much God used me as young guy to do the most craziest things like praying for the sick. And they actually got healed! People’s legs got sorted, blind people started seeing, bone diseases literally disappeared just by us praying! And simple things like coughs and stuff was also gone instantly!

God has called all His people to operate, not just the older folks, and that is what we got to do, from going on trips around South Africa and internationally, getting opportunities to preach and serve other churches.

Most people would probably see Life Team as a year event and life goes on after that, but I must say I learned so many practical things that I use in my everyday life, like the heart of serving, dealing with people that sometimes you would rather not deal with, working in a team and serving under a leader.

I’ve seen so many guys do Life Team over the years after I did and there is always a difference in every single person from the beginning of the year to the end. Guys become in love with God, become involved in the church life, their attitudes towards life are completely different because of what God’s done in them.

I don’t know if “recommend” would be the word I would use for guys to do Life Team because it would come across as a 50/50 attitude towards it. I would totally do it all again because of how much my life has been impacted by giving a year of my life to God through Life Team!

Kaleidoscope 2013 – Some Testimonies

Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2013

The ladies had a fantastic time at Kaleidoscope 2013 this last weekend, with a focus on the Holy Spirit. God visited and ministered in a powerful way. Here are some testimonies from the weekend:

Justine Engelbrecht:
There are very few words to describe the incredible power of the Holy Spirit, thank you Jean [Guthrie] for taking the time to be with us and for changing hearts and realising dreams. I went up on Friday morning to receive the gift of tongues, and while I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit on occasion before, nothing could have prepared me for the amazing grace and peacefulness of His presence in my life since then. There is no question to His brilliance and few words to describe, the incredible power that fulfilled me, all I know is that I want more and more and more of Him.

Thank you Col, Ryan, Glenn, Kim and everyone at Cornerstone for the opportunity to take the pics, for sharing my poem, and allowing me to be a part of this amazing, incredible and beneficial women’s conference. Next year cannot come around soon enough. Love Justine x

Ps. Thanks a mil Fern for your help on Saturday. x

[Thanks Justine for all the hard work!]

Ann Leo
Thank you to all you wonderful ladies,who organized this amazing time,we’ll never be the same again!

Michelle Smith
Thank you!!! Simple words, but so heartfelt. Thank you to all who planned, served, prepared the refreshments, transformed the church, caught and caught and caught, who prayed, who led worship, passed tissues, packed welcome packs, set up and cleaned up – the list is way more. I am so grateful to worship a God who is amazing and belong to church with a leadership who welcome the holy spirit.

Nicolette Bosman Verspui
Absolutely wonderful conference! Thanks to all involved – Adele, all the elders wives, worship team (Wow!), Lynor Van Rooyen and everyone involved in the excellent organisation and co-ordination!

Carla-Jo Barry
What an amazing time in the presence of an AMAZING GOD! Thank you for all the prayers that have gone into this event xxx

Send your testimonies to or post them on our Facebook page.

Also check out the Cornerstone Facebook page for photos.

News from Keir in Zimbabwe

What Life Team is Like: Nicola Pilkington

Thinking about – or know someone who’s thinking about – doing Cornerstone’s Life Team next year? Nicola Pilkington was part of the Life Team in 2009. Here’s what it was like for her.

I joined Life Team on a whim, completely unsure how fundamentally God would change my life. The only thing that I had planned on was being open to what God had for me.

I learned what it means to be a part of the body of Christ; to be involved and make a contribution that is valuable. Not to simply go to church and expect to receive. For it is in my contribution that I often learn and receive the most.

On that same note, we travelled a lot (a definite highlight), we got to see churches that have much and churches that have very little –  the common thread being their indubitable love for Jesus.

I learned how to relate to people of different backgrounds and to be as much of a blessing as I can be. I got opportunities to lead worship and to preach. I got to see what I was good at and was not.

Cornerstone is such a safe environment that allows for mistakes to be made and to be lovingly put on the right track. God used so many people to teach me and to impart foundations in my mind and spirit that will never leave me. On my team and amongst the church I made friends that taught me what being friends actually meant.  Our hearts were knitted and we loved each other in a way that I had never experienced before.

Ultimately Life Team taught me how to serve. Service has such a negative connotation but it is out of that place that one is able to lead. We have a saying amongst all the Life Teamers: “Once a Life Teamer, always a Life Teamer.” Essentially we are saying that we will never forget how to serve. From setting up every Wednesday for prayer meeting, to waking up at 4am to set up for the Breakfast Exchange, to cleaning toilets in the heart of Tanzania and planting grass in Viljoenskroen… Oh and we painted! Everywhere we went we painted! It sounds crazy but we learned to love serving because we learned to see the purpose behind it.

At the end of the day, we saw a man get out of a wheel chair, we (awkwardly) led people to Jesus for the first time, we saw lives being surrendered to Jesus and we learned how radical is this God that we serve!