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NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration – 28 April

NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration is a time for churches in Gauteng to connect and worship together. Join us on 28 April at Cornerstone! For more details, click here.

NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
from 5pm

NCMI EQUIP South Africa 2013

EQUIP South Africa is happening from 1 – 3 May at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview. It’s an annual training time for churches across the country.

The Church is not an organisation but a grouping of people that God has ‘called out’ to bring and demonstrate his message of life and grace and reconciliation in the world. We are called to take Jesus Christ’s presence with us wherever we go.

Ephesians 4:11 – 16 says that Jesus has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to the Church for the equipping of the saints to do the work of the ministry, for building it up to maturity, the unity of the faith and the knowledge of Jesus, the Son of God. These gifts have been given so that each part of the Church body can grow to work properly and the whole Church can build itself up in love.

Every year EQUIP South Africa invites a team who function in these gifts – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers – to teach, encourage and equip us in our gifts as individuals and churches and so achieve the goals listed in this passage of Ephesians.

The EQUIP South Africa event is hosted by churches that relate to the New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI) team. The event is not exclusively for NCMI-relating churches but is a time when these churches across the country connect with each other. It’s a time for friendship, unity and encouragement as we move forward together in what God has for us.

The itinerary for EQUIP is quite organic and the three-day training time is simply divided into morning and evening sessions to allow time for worshipping God corporately, solid teaching and space for people to connect.

EQUIP South Africa 2013 costs R100 for all the sessions or R50 if you can only make it to the evening sessions.

Click here to register for EQUIP South Africa 2013.

For more info call 011 616 4073 or email

NCMI EQUIP South Africa 2013
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
1 – 3 May, 2013

R100 for all sessions; R50 for just the evening sessions. Register at the website.

Bible School – Term 2

Bible School is kicking off again at Wednesday Night Life at Bedfordview for the second term of 2013. Join us as we give our our best effort to equip, prepare, resource and mature all of our family in knowing the Word, and then knowing how to make it effective in our lives. These times can be more interactive than Sunday meetings, giving opportunity to ask questions.

Bible School
Wednesday Evenings
Term 2 Orientation: 10 April
10 April – 19 June

Term 2 Subjects

DNA: Get to know Cornerstone Church
Get to know Cornerstone Church, learn about our vision, our values, ask questions and find out if we are the church that you want to join up with.

Love Joburg : Follow up
Meet new friends, pray for the sick, see the lost saved, be available to teach, and be Christ’s disciple, meeting needs in Jesus’ name.

The Worship Central Course

This is a course for worship leaders and those involved in worship. For more details, click here.

Interpreting for the Deaf

This is our regular course that teaches South African sign language.

Books of the Bible: The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch are the first five books of the Bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy) that are generally accepted to have been written by Moses. We’ll be looking at these five books and examining their relevance to our walk with Jesus.

David: A Man After God’s Own Heart

1 Samuel 13:14 has God calling David a man after his own heart. Why did God say this? How did David live his life? We’ll be examining this key character of the Scriptures this term.

The Exchange (5 April)

Hidden Treasures

Loss of Finances
with Hennie Cronjé

This Friday is The Exchange as we continue with our series, Hidden Treasures. Hennie Cronjé will be talking on the topic, Loss of Finances.

We serve a mighty God who is able to do much more than we could ever ask or think. However, as Christians, we’re not exempt from difficulty and disaster. If we were it wouldn’t be natural as we still live in the natural (but fallen) world.

But it would also be unlike God not to care.

Several factors can lead to financial difficulty – such as losing a job, sickness or business strain. Many have been through these times of darkness and many are still in the process of going through them. At times it may feel as if there is no possible way out.

Fortunately that’s not true. In these dark times there are treasures to be found. On Friday, we’ll look to uncover some of these treasures and find our way through the darkness.

You can also now download André Botha’s talk at last month’s Exchange, Hidden Treasure in Times of Temptation.

The Exchange

Friday, 5 April
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast

Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church 30th Birthday Montage

A collection of shots taken over the course of our weekend of celebration.

INAPPROPRIATE Really Was a Story of Grace

I really enjoyed Sunday night’s INAPPROPRIATE event with Derek Chester-Browne. As the tag line said, it was a “story of grace” and it really lived up to its name.

Derek was honest and clear about where he has been and what God has done in his life. I knew he had been an ex drug-dealer, but I think it really struck home when he spoke about how he used to treat his family. I was moved by the incredible change that God did in this man’s heart and actions and was encouraged that in those things I struggle with, God can really change me too.

The fact that Derek isn’t all about self-motivation and self-power is fantastic. This is a story of grace, not a story of self-therapy. God really will save anyone who comes to him. I love how God spoke to Derek so clearly in the midst of all his shouting, anger and opinions. For God to tell a man to “shut and and listen” shows me that he really does communicate with us all personally. God goes looking for us. That is simply amazing.

Download Derek’s talk here and check out the photos at our Facebook page.


Rosebank has Launched!


On Sunday we launched our new site, Cornerstone Church Rosebank at the Rosebank Scout Hall. It was a fantastic morning with lots of visitors and a great celebratory atmosphere. There were jumping castles for the kids and many people in the community indicated how happy they were that we’re now in Rosebank. One couple has even been waiting since December for the launch.

Here are some quotes from people that were there on Sunday:

“It was a great vibe; great response. I’m very excited about what’s going to happen there.” – Nick Wienand

“It was such a peaceful. joyful time, and there was lots of excitement in the air. Marcus preached from Luke 4 and it was fantastic. Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert and then returns in the power of the Spirit and starts his ministry. It was raw Gospel and all about living Jesus to the world, overcoming the devil and living by the Spirit. Worship was also awesome!” – Waldo Kruger.

“Wow, it was packed. What an awesome vibe!” – Shannon Strydom

“It was great when a couple phoned me and told me how happy they were that something was happening in that community. We’re trying to be community focused with the scouts and partnering with them and we really want to make a positive influence in Rosebank. On Sunday it was very community orientated and that was really fantastic.” – Craig Herbert

“It was fantastic. Fun was had by all. Great worship time.” – Francois vd Merwe

Calling Life Groups to help

Now that the launch has happened, the real work begins. In order to keep a momentum at the site, we’re asking Life Groups to look at pulling through on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and committing to help for three or four weeks – to welcome people and support that community. The support is really needed and very much appreciated! Speak to Waldo or Craig for details. Check out the Rosebank page for address details etc.

Photos at Facebook.

Alpha South Side – 9 April

Starting Tuesday 9 April, South Side will be running an Alpha course for 10 weeks at Warwick and Lindsey’s home (Brackendowns, Johannesburg South).

What is Alpha?

Alpha provides a space for people to ask real, honest questions about the Christian faith. The evening opens up with everyone sharing a meal after which a short talk on the Christian faith is given. After the talk, the time is open for discussion and questions around the subject are encouraged.

The talks revolve around Jesus, why he died, how he lived, and so forth. Through the ten week course those involved should leave with a good understanding of what Christianity is and a good idea on what they think about Jesus and whether they want to be a Christian or not.

Please RSVP for catering. Call 011-616-4073 or email

Alpha: Explore Life’s Big Questions

When: 9 April – 18 June, 2013
Where: Warwick and Lindsey’s home, Brackendowns, JHB South
Cost: None

RSVP for catering to 011-616-4073 or email

Cornerstone Church 30th Birthday Bash

It’s our 30th Birthday bash this week! The festivities are kicking off from Wednesday until Sunday. Here’s how the week will look:

Wednesday – 6pm at Bedfordview
Click here for a map to Bedfordview

  • An evening of prayer and thanksgiving at Bedfordview. Jim Lamont and Leon van Daele will be with us during our prayer time.

Thursday – 7pm at Uptown
Click here for a map to Uptown

  • We’ll not just be celebrating our birthday but also the opening of the new Uptown venue.

Friday – 6pm at Bedfordview
Click here for a map to Bedfordview

  • Dress in black & white
  • Festivities for the kids. (No Fun Fridays.)
  • Food on sale.
  • Ukwakha Isizwe will launch its recipe book, Food, Friends and Faraway Places. It costs R250.
  • Please use the bottom parking.

Sunday – All Sites Celebration at Bedfordview – 9am
Click here for a map to Bedfordview

  • Jim and Leon will be preaching.
  • The kids will join us.
  • Bring and picnic afterwards. Please bring your own chairs, blankets, etc.
  • Braai fires will be made available.

We’re looking forward to a fantastic week together! We thank God for everything he has done, everything he is doing, everything he will do and for our friendships in and out of Cornerstone.

Cornerstone Church 30th Birthday

Wednesday, 6 – Sunday, 10 March 2013
For more details:; 011 616 4073

Key Women – 5 March

March’s Key Women is happening on Tuesday, 5 March as we continue the Living Beyond Yourself – Fruit of the Spirit series. Colette Meeske will be sharing on ‘Joy’.

Key Women
Living Beyond Yourself – The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
When: Tuesday, 5 March
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Time: 8:30am at Bedfordview Side Hall