Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability with Top Sports and Conditioning Specialists
Cornerstone Church is hosting a workshop on how parents can develop their child’s athletic ability. The event features international, top sports and conditioning specialists with a focus on children ages 3 to 13.
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview is hosting “Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability” on Saturday 3 November, a workshop providing practical advice to parents with children ages 3 to 13. The event includes international, top sports and conditioning specialists on how parents can develop their child’s athletic ability.
The event is a free community initiative organised by Samantha Quinn, a physiotherapist who specialises in golf and other sports injuries.
“The age group of 3 to 13 years is a delicate but vital stage in child development and it can often be overlooked. Each of the speakers are passionate professionals in their fields and the point of the workshop is to encourage parents, provide valuable tools and insights, help parents with the challenges of developing their children mentally and physically in sport, and dispel myths surrounding development and supplements that parents must contend with,” she says.
Those scheduled to speak are:
Dave Benstead-Smith – “Physical literacy”
Benstead-Smith is an internationally respected biokineticist. He will be talking on developing a child’s “physical literacy”, covering topics such as the importance of functional movements, when to specialise in one sport and how to recognise athletic gifting in a child.
Theo Bezuidenhout – “How to encourage your child to play sport and perform well (while not driving them crazy)”
Bezuidenhout is a very respected professional sports psychologist. He works with many professional golfers, heads up the World of Golf and works at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria. He will be speaking on how to encourage children to play sport without becoming overbearing, which tends to drive children away from sport rather than encourage them.
Dr Peter Baxter – “Should I be giving my child sports enhancing products?”
Baxter is a sports doctor and will be talking about the use of sports enhancing supplements (like creatine) all the way through to the use of banned substances like steroids.
Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability will be happening at 9am to 12pm on Saturday, 3 November at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview, Benard Road East, Morninghill. For more information contact 011-616-4073 or email
Excellent child-care will be made available for parents at the event.
Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability
Saturday, 3 November
9:00am – 12:00pm
Hosted at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
For more information email or call 011 616 4073