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Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage Comes to an End

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

The Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage course came to its end last night at Bedfordview and we’ve had a fantastic time with the series living up to its name!

Last night was about staying married without killing your spouse. Some of the main points revolved around forgiveness (always a difficult one!) and how men and women have different ways of encouraging each other or giving credit to each other.

Generally, men tend to think that a big favour or ‘surprise’ earns them more points with their wives, but wives don’t count it that way. Random, regular acts of kindness work better than big, sporadic acts of kindness. Women, in general, don’t like everything to be a surprise – most of the time it’s better to tell them what you’re planning and when. Think about a ‘surprise date’ and how often that doesn’t work! She would have wanted to know so she could get a haircut and so on.

Humourously enough, the bonus about telling your wife about some big date event is that as she tells her friends about it, her friends’ husbands automatically get minus points!

The differences between men and women and the way each of us think has really been a fantastic help throughout this course.  Check out feedback on all the evenings at the links below:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Thanks to all those involved in making these special evenings – the food was outstanding and we had a really lovely time.

Cultivating Community in a Growing Church

TITLE: Cultivating Community in a Growing Church
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 19 AUGUST 2012 – Sunday AM

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Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Part 3

by Ryan Strydom

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

The third part of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at Bedfordview was that part of the course that dealt with the subject of sex. Mark Gungor, the host of the series, got a bit serious about how the mainstream media, from talk show hosts to Hollywood to the newspapers we read, effectively punt so many lies around sex that are patently false. The trouble is that so much of what we’re told is just not true, with even liberal circles beginning to realise that things such as porn are having a major negative effect on the lives of men, women and on marriages across the world.

Gungor raised some good points that just made common sense. If couples want good sex lives it makes sense for them to focus on each other (especially the men), not on porn or the millions of other things that the media encourages. In the end he gave some advice on how couples can have better sex lives – namely, how the husband can focus on his wife. At least those were the most important points that I took out of the evening!

Loved the food, once again. Looking forward to the final evening this coming Sunday which includes a romantic dinner.

Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview –  Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073

Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to

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Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Part 2

by Ryan Strydom

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

The second part of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at Bedfordview started off with Mark and Colette Meeske asking select couples a few questions to see how well they know each other. It was great fun as we saw some of the couples answer the questions horribly wrong or brilliantly on target! They were light-hearted questions that included the colour of each others’ toothbrushes, what fruit best describes their spouse, and even what fruit best describes their sex life. It was really fun to witness, especially if you weren’t up on stage answering the questions!

We then headed into the second part of the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage DVD as Mark Gungor (the host of the series) continued to explain the differences between how men and women think. This time he focused specifically on how women can change how they analyse men’s motivations and how changing their approach helps to enrich a marriage. It was, as expected, quite funny!

The food was once again enjoyable and made me wonder what we will expect when we reach the final evening, which ends off with a romantic dinner.

There are two evenings left of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage (the series ends on 19 August) but there is still space for anyone to join in half-way through. The cost is R200. Check out all the details below.

Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview –  Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073

Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Part 1

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage launched this last Sunday at Bedfordview, a DVD course that will run every Sunday evening until 19 August. The first week was highly enjoyable and it certainly lived up to its name!

The food was great and the facilities were kitted out nicely, with each couple given a little corner of their own to snuggle up with each other. Mark Gungor, the host of the series, delved into The Tale of Two Brains and humorously highlighted the differences between how men and women think.

The great thing about the series is that it isn’t an intense marriage course that will have you delving in constant introspection and cause you to be frustrated as you try and navigate your way through another formula for marriage that promises to make everything perfect and wonderful. Rather, it helps us take a lighter view of things so we don’t try and aim for an idealistic (and unreachable) perfection but rather just enjoy this wonderful thing called marriage – and enjoy each other.

You can still come through for the rest of the course and it’s highly recommended. The cost is R200 per couple which includes some great snacks for each of the evenings and a romantic dinner on the last evening. It’s also a great opportunity to pay and invite friends to a marriage series that’s for everyone. Please let us know in advance, however, so that catering can be sorted out – call 011-616-4073 or register here.

Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview –  Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073

Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to

All-Sites Celebration: Uptown Shows Us Up (Again!)

by Ryan Strydom


We were once again all shown-up by Uptown when it comes to busting the moves at last night’s All-Sites Celebration, with the Uptown guys giving us all a good lesson in partying!

It was a brilliant time together as we celebrated the amazing things God has been doing in Cornerstone and the fantastic promises He has for us as we look forward. After a wonderful time of singing and dancing, we prayed into the new areas we believe God is opening up for us – Yeoville and Rosebank. For both of these areas we’re trusting to see venues open up and sites firmly established.

Prayers also went towards seeing all the sites – not just Bedfordview – develop into resource centres as leaders are raised up and sent to plant churches and pioneer for God. We’re a church in the city and that is becoming a greater reality. All-Sites Celebration is a time when we really begin to feel that reality coming through and I was grateful for an evening of connecting with Cornerstone guys from all over Jozi.

Mandela Day: Elated to Help the Klopper Guys

by Mpho Ntuli

It was a real privilege helping out the guys from the Klopper Friday Club on Mandela Day and giving their venue some much-needed attention!

We got there in the morning and noted the big job ahead – there were broken windows, cracking paint, dirty and broken light-fittings, dirty curtains, and much more. So we got to work, stripping everything, coating the main hall, sorting out the kitchen and the passages, cleaning the carpets, fixing the windows, taking care of the paint… the list continues.

Throughout the day a number of people stopped by to do their 67 minutes in the spirit of Mandela Day. Some of the guys from hArt (another Ukwakha Isizwe project) also arrived to do their bit. By 3:30pm the change in the building was fantastic. It was really awesome doing this for the Klopper guys and the Life Team were sweaty and tired but elated!

Some photos will be posted tomorrow.

Marcus and Glenn in New Zealand: Report-Back

by Glenn van Rooyen


It’s honestly a privilege to be part of the work that Jesus is doing in another nation. We spent time with a number of churches and leaders over the two weeks that Marcus and I were in New Zealand, being part of what they are doing and encouraging them.

After a twenty-seven hour flight to Auckland, Marcus and I journeyed with Bruce and Josh Benge to Hamilton (about an hour south). There we had the privilege of joining their prayer meeting and connecting with the Horsham Downs community church.

For the two days that followed, we had the joy of being with a son of Cornerstone church, Cliff Cherry. Cliff has transitioned the leadership of a church and these couple of days were certainly part of God’s timing as Cliff talked us through some of the transitional steps that were soon to be announced to the church in Havlock North – these included a change of name and a new site in the city. It was an exciting time as the church completely embraced this change and rose to take hold of the inheritance our King has for them.

Next was a six hour drive up through some amazing scenery to EQUIP New Zealand in Auckland. We met many leaders and spent a fair amount of time with the leaders from Faith City, Mike and Alison Nicholas; and Gateway, Andrew and Emma Bergh. (We were hosted so well wherever we went!)

EQUIP times are such breakthrough moments. They are times when God speaks, when He clarifies things and when our King reminds us of the spiritual season we’re in. During one of the sessions, Allison Nicholas reminded us that the spiritual season we are in dictates the way we are to move forward. Every church has to hear what God is saying to them to be successful.

God personalised the conference for me, even though we were in a corporate setting and far away from home. Here are some thoughts that impacted me:

  • The Gospel is the power that changes lives – nothing else!
  • We must make time for intimacy with our King.
  • Marcus – God looks at “me” and sees nations open up.
  • Marcus – The gospel is the power of God, not social programs, they are only tools.
  • Paul Zanardo – we are to model faithfulness, passion, integrity, adventure, forgiveness.
  • Mike Hanchett felt strongly that we have three to five years to open up and set our youth up. They are busting for a purpose, a reason to give their lives to.
  • God has given us all a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5: 18-20)
  • Mike Nicholas – An honest look at life across the globe is that change is everywhere – in some cases, so much so that people are struggling with the shock of it. (New ways to communicate, rapid change in knowledge.) We cannot afford to walk in any other way than with the Holy Spirit.
  • Mike Nicholas – The key to the presence of God in our own life is to obey and do His will. Many people struggle with unbelief and even though they see manifestations and changed lives, people are still not sure. (God, help us in our unbelief.) The antidote to unbelief is to GO and do his will. You cannot separate the Kingdom of God from the will of God.

With watching the Fathers team up, lead and encourage strongly, while relatively young, front-footed guys link arms and intentionally take new ground, my heart has been stirred and I can only fall on my knees and thank our King that he loves us so much. No matter what nation we are a part of, Jesus calls us to partner with him.

Wednesday Night Life Bedfordview

Wednesday Night Life Bedfordview

Acts Chapter 2 gives us a great snapshot into the life of the early church. We read about what they did, how they responded to what was happening and how God blessed their community. It is one of the clearest pictures we have from scripture of what was involved in early church life.

With the start of term 3, we are launching Wednesday Night Life. We read in Acts 2:42 that the early church devoted themselves to four things: the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. At Wednesday Night Life, that’s exactly what we do. Every Wednesday, we start with prayer before sharing a meal together, after which we get some good, solid Bible teaching. Each of these aspects is vital both to the individual and to the body of believers.

This term’s teaching will focus on the value of Lifegroups – or as the Bible puts it, meeting together in each other’s homes. We’re putting formal Lifegroup meetings on hold for the duration of term 3 to make room for everyone in the church to attend this important Bible study.

Join us on Wednesdays as we spend time with God and each other – striving to see his Kingdom come in our lives and the life of the Church. Those with kids needn’t worry, there will be childcare available.

Wednesday Night Life Bedfordview
Launch: Wednesday, 1 August
Time: 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview

Childcare will be available