by Justine Engelbrecht
Many women’s lives were touched at this year’s Kaleidoscope through Jean Guthrie’s ministry and the wonderful women of Cornerstone’s eldership. Through amazing faith and their blessings, hearts were restored and lives changed. Here are some of the bible verses and messages that were imparted over these three amazing days.
Here are some of my highlights – scriptures and points – from the event.
When you are born again you have a new image. We have Jesus’ image. We can only radiate with Jesus’ Spirit in us. We must yield to His Spirit so that we can radiate for Him. Our “aim” must be to look like Him.
Genesis 1:26-27
What has happened to the image of God in us?
Genesis 3:6-12
Adam & Eve were clothed in God’s glory but when they sinned that glory was removed from them and they were naked. When we sin we become separated from God, but through Jesus we can go to Him & receive forgiveness. The only way is to be born again.
Romans 8:29
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
This is so very important and it is something we should remind ourselves of everyday – To never stop praying for family and other people, as all you can take to heaven are people.
Luke 20:21-25
God has a rightful claim on every person. We need to bear His image. He wants us to be filled with and led by His Spirit. We need to be wrapped in His glory.
2 Peter 1:4
Yield to the Spirit. Satan is trying to rub off God’s image from people and replace it with his image. But we must resist it and pray for those that are in that place.
How does Satan rub off God’s image? Through things such as:
Addictions – alcohol and nicotine
Low self image
Low self esteem
But Jesus is the Prince of Peace & our Saviour. He sets us free & we don’t need to rely on anything or anyone but Him. In Him we have JOY! Nothing can compete with the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit everything is human effort.
No Holy Spirit equals no result – but when He comes in there are results. Jesus didn’t leave us alone; He gave us the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a person. There is no power that can stand against the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of these scriptures came up during our time together:
Acts 1:4-5
Acts 1:8 (God wants to use us!)
Matthew 3:11
Acts 2:1-4 (God wants to baptise us with the Holy Spirit and fire so that we will never be the same. Ignite the fire.)
1 Corinthians 14:1-2, 14-15
Jude 20 (Stay in the Spirit! The Spirit needs to dominate the flesh.)
John 16:5-15 (Every one of us can have the Holy Spirit)
Without the anointing nothing happens. Outside of Jesus there is no anointing.
Isaiah 10:27
The anointing destroys the yoke. The anointing is the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not hype. It’s not fleshly preaching, praying, singing, dancing, entertainment and shouting; it is the presence of God
Acts 4:13
Anointing comes from being with Jesus. So we must pray!
The anointing is the touch of God on my life. One touch and you will never be the same. It’s like electricity. Therefore yield to the spirit of God.
The anointing can be seen in certain things:
– Your countenance changes
– Holy weeping
– Spontaneous speaking in tongues
– Getting intoxicated with the Holy Spirit
– Sinners repent
– Spontaneous praise & worship
– Shaking & falling
– Heat
Acts 8:14
Acts 19:11-12
Acts 5:12-15 (The anointing can be transferred.)
1 John 2:27
There is a personal believers anointing. There is corporate anointing. The anointing comes from the Throne Room of Heaven. You do not want someone else’s anointing, you must get the original anointing from the original Anointer which is God Himself.
Yield to the Holy Spirit.
Exodus 40.38
Original gospel mandate, impossible without the power of God.
‘The Presence of God is so precious to me, that I yielded and yielded and yielded and was changed!’
The Presence of God
We must be filled with the Holy Spirit, without Him we can do nothing. Like a glove needs a hand to do what needs to be done, so we need the Holy Spirit. We are the glove and He is the hand.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will never be the same again, in the same way Saul became Paul on the Damascus road. We all need a Damascus road experience.
Yield to the Holy Spirit, do not grieve Him.
2 Corinthians 3:6
“Spirit makes alive”
If you have a head, Jesus has a flame for you. Your flame has a name!
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
– God has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
– We are a His ambassadors.
– We are to be flames of fire.
– There is no such thing as a silent gospel.
– God is working with us, and within us.
– We have to be on fire for Jesus Christ otherwise we cannot set others on fire.
– Stir the gift, be set on fire.
– Yield to God’s Spirit & His Power.
Psalm 42, 63
Matthew 3:11
Jeremiah 5:14
– God’s power can’t come out of you unless it’s in you.
– God has plans for us & it is in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 104:4
– ‘Wind is messenger, fire and flame ambassadors’
– Yield to the Spirit, Yield to the Fire, Now is the time, now is the Hour!
Romans 12:11
– To be filled with zeal, you must be filled with fuel.
Please be encouraged to look up the verses and to receive the incredible blessings that Jesus has in store for you. Yield to His Spirit, receive His grace and power!