Children Of God Part 1 (Rosebank)

26 Nov 2017 Nathan Gernetzky “Children of God” Part 1 We looked at Romans 8:14-18 This scripture teaches us three things. We are to live as children of God and not as slaves to fear.

Five Questions from Romans 8 (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 19 November 2017. Craig Herbert shares on “The five greatest questions” Part 1 – Romans 8:31-38.

What Can Separate Us from the Love of God?

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 19 November 2017 – part two of our “Greatest Questions” theme. Marcus Herbert preached on Romans 8:31-38 and asks the question: “What can separate us from the love of God?”

Encountering God (bedfordview pm)

Sunday evening at Bedfordview, 12 November 2017 – Steve Everett share about “Encountering God”


Soli Deo Gloria (Bedfordview am)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 12 November 2017 – Marcus Herbert looks at “Soli Deo Gloria” – Glory To God Alone – in our Five Solas series.

This year October marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation – a moment in history that completely changed the world. It was the moment when five truths of the gospel were rediscovered. These truths, which we call the “Five Solas” of the Reformation (“Sola” is latin for “only”), led to major social upheaval, cultural change, and birthed revival across Europe.

We find out why in this series.

Romans 8 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 12 November 2017. Nathan Gernetzky shares on “The five greatest questions” Part 1 – Romans 8:31-38.

The Five Solas: Sola Gratia (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday evening at Bedfordview, 5 November 2017 – Shane Rielly looks at “Sola Gratia” – Grace Alone – in our Five Solas series.

This year October marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation – a moment in history that completely changed the world. It was the moment when five truths of the gospel were rediscovered. These truths, which we call the “Five Solas” of the Reformation (“Sola” is latin for “only”), led to major social upheaval, cultural change, and birthed revival across Europe.

We find out why in this series.

The Five Solas: Sola Gratia (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 5 November 2017 – Craig Herbert looks at “Sola Gratia” – Grace Alone – in our Five Solas series.

This year October marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation – a moment in history that completely changed the world. It was the moment when five truths of the gospel were rediscovered. These truths, which we call the “Five Solas” of the Reformation (“Sola” is latin for “only”), led to major social upheaval, cultural change, and birthed revival across Europe.

We find out why in this series.

Walking Contradictions (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 5 November 2017 – Marco Broccardo looks at five people of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 who, like many of us, can feel like walking contradictions. But God uses people just like us to accomplish great things throughout history.

Monica Firth’s Journey in NZ (Key Women)

Wednesday morning at Bedfordview 25 October 2017 – Monica Firth shares with us about her Journey in NZ