The River: Knowing Jesus (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 20 August – David Gadelkarim asks: do we really know this God that we say we worship?


The River: The Reach of the Gospel (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 20 August – Nathan Gernetzky and Marco Broccardo share on the reach of the gospel, as part of our “River” series.


The River: The Power of the Gospel pt 2 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 13 July – Nathan Gernetzky shares on the power of the gospel, as part of our “River” series.


Faith and the Word

Keir Tayler ends our week of “Encountering God” on Sunday night, 6 July at Bedfordview, speaking on how faith and the Word work together.


Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 6 August – Marcus Herbert looks at Matthew 22:15 and its importance for our context today.


The River: The Power of the Gospel pt 1 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 6 July – Nathan Gernetzky shares on the power of the gospel, as part of our “River” series.

Apologies for the poor audio quality. This was due to a power failure.


Leaving Woundedville

Keir Tayler speaks at the Exchange business breakfast, about “leaving Woundedville”.

3 August 2017 at The Exchange.


Encountering God Session 3: The Glory of God in Miracles

Keir Tayler speaks of the Glory of God when it comes to miracles.

3 August 2017 at Encountering God.


Encountering God Session 2: The Anointing

Keir Tayler shares on the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

2 August 2017 at Encountering God.


Encountering God Session 1: The Power of God’s Word

Keir Tayler shares on how the Word of God has power to save and to heal.

1 August 2017 at Encountering God.