Wednesday Prayer – 22 April

Join us as we pray for our church partners in Abu Dhabi and in East Africa, and for our SMMEs and business people.

Elders Update – Maximise Your Time with God

Marcus encourages us to make the best use of our time in the current crisis, while Keir Tayler encourages us with a prophetic word. Marcus also talks about the tremendous generosity we are seeing to relieve families in this crisis while Rodney du Croq gives us an update on how delivery of food to families in need is going.

Coming Back to Life: Joel Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Wednesday Prayer – 15 April 2020

Marcus leads us in our Wednesday Night Prayer in our homes right across Johannesburg. Let’s pray together!

Elders Update – Don’t let this opportunity pass by

Marcus encourages us to see how God is working in this time and not long for the past but look to the future.

Resurrection Sunday 2020

Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” – John 11:25-26

Let’s celebrate the day history changed forever: When Christ was raised from the dead!

Good Friday 2020

Marcus and Adele lead us in a celebration of Jesus who died for the sins of the whole world.

Wednesday Night Prayer – 8 April

Gather whoever you can, in your home or digitally, and let’s pray together!

Elders Update – Warfare

We’re in a war fought on many fronts. Here is our weekly encouragement and update from the elders. Craig also tells us how food donations are going. (Audio taken from the video.)

Coming Back to Life: Presume on the Love of God

Marcus encourages us to presume on the love of God.

You can stream the video or download the audio below.