Key Women – Sue Van Niekerk

Bedfordview Key Women will be going through a Bible study on Woman from The Bible. Today, Sue taught about Mary The Mother of Jesus – 10 February 2021

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Day 1: Our Redeemer

Day 3: Emotions, Part 1

Day 4: Emotions, Part 2

Key Women: Lynor Van Rooyen

Lynor shares with us at Key Woman on Psalm 24 – 26 February 2020

Click Here for The Shepard Video

Key Woman: Sonya Long and Testimony

Sonya shares with us from Psalm 91, and we hear two testimonies of Gods protection and provision. – 12 February 2020

Key Woman: Adele Herbert

Adele Herbert Preaches at Key woman encouraging us about how God is always there and our lives should always honour Him – 22 January 2020

Key Women: Lynor van Rooyen – 27 November 2019

Lynor shares with us at Key Women – 27 November 2019

Bedfordview Key Woman- Sue Guthrie

Sue shares with us at Bedfordview Key Woman about what God has done in her life, and a testimony of God’s faithfulness – 16 November

Key Woman- Sonya Long

Sonya shares with us at Key Woman – 13 November