Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 March | Sunday Morning with Matt Jones
This week we have Matt Jones bringing apostolic input.
This week we have Matt Jones bringing apostolic input.
This week we have Jonathan preaching on the rich young ruler who let his possessions get in the way of the fullness of salvation and the call that Jesus had for him. Jonno goes into depth about the things that hold us back from living in the fullness of God’s salvation.
Greg shares how we need to be childlike while also ministering the gospel to others, without withholding the truth of salvation from them.
Greg emphasizes Jesus’ point about how we should be like children, fully relying on a parent or guardian, and how we should have a similar relationship with God.
As we continue through our series in Matthew, we see that there is a whole bunch of tradition that the Israelites were having to conform to. Jesus measures this against the word of God.
This Sunday we learn that it isn’t just about our salvation, but how we steward our lives after we have been saved.
We need to be recognizing, raising and releasing leaders. We are called to build generationally by multiplication and continuity in the kingdom.