Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 May | Acts: Paul, Silas and the Philippian Jailer


after a two week break, we returned to our Acts series this past Sunday. In part 15, Marcus shared on Paul, Silashe and the Philippian jailer – Acts 16:16 – 40.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 16 April | Acts: The Conversion of Lydia [S3P14]


After a short break, we return to the Acts series. This week Marcus preaches on the conversion of Lydia.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 March | Acts: The Macedonian Call [S3P13]


In Part 13 of the Acts series, Greg preaches on God’s providence and the importance of being led by the Spirit by looking at Paul and Timothy and the call of the Macedonian.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 19 March | Acts: Paul and Barnabas separate [S3P12]


Marcus continues to teach on Acts. In part 12 of the series, Paul and Barnabas separate after a sharp disagreement.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 5 March | Acts: The council’s letter to Gentile believers [S3P11]


We continue with the Acts series. This week, Greg preaches on the Council’s letter to Gentile believers.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 February | Acts: The Jerusalem Council [S3P10]


After a brief intermission, we return to our Acts series, where Greg teaches on the Jerusalem Council.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 11 December | 9:00am | Acts: Paul and Barnabas return to Syrian Antioch [S3P9]


in our last meeting on Acts for the year, Greg emphasis the value of local church, why churches need to exist, the role of the church and the the value of being part of the church. Acts 14:19-28.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 4 December | 9:00am | Acts: Paul and Barnabas at Lystra [S3P8]


Marcus takes us through Acts 14 as we see more miracles performed and further persecution faced by Paul and Barnabas in Lystra.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 27 November | 9:00am | Acts: The Response at Pisidian Antioch and Iconic [S3P7]


Marcus continues through Acts 13 as we see two differing responses – both salvation and opposition – to Paul and Barnabas’ ministry in Pisidian Antioch and Iconium.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 20 November | 9:00am | Acts: Barnabas and Paul at Pisidian Antioch [S3P6]


Greg shares from Acts 13 on Paul’s sermon, and explains how God fulfilled his promise of a saviour by raising up the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, to their inheritance of the land of Canaan, to the rule of King David and finally the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ.

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