Acts – Season 1: Seven Chose to Serve

Greg Matarelli shares with us on the heart for Gods church and the part we get to play in that. – 21 November 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – The Apostles Arrested and Freed

Greg Shares with us on the amazing opportunity to share the gospel irrespective of the consequences or the circumstances. – 29 August 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Many Signs And Wonders Done

David encourages us on how the Gospel keeps moving forward and signs and wonders are done. – 22 August 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Ananias and Sapphira

Greg shares with us on the Danger in Hypocrisy and the Consequences of Sin as we learn from two characters in the Bible – 15 August 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Biblical Community

Tatenda, who leads our Maboneng site, shares with us on the beauty and importance of biblical community and how God has called us to be apart of and contribute to Biblical Community – 08 August 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Believers Pray For Boldness

Marcus shares with us on Praying for boldness in our commission from God. – 1 August 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Peter & John Face The Jewish Council

Greg shares with us on the cost that comes with preaching the gospel and operating in the power of The Holy Spirit. There might be persecution but the fruit that will come from it is eternal. – 25 July 2021

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Acts – Season1 – Peters Sermon At The Portico

Marcus shares with us as we look at the Peters Sermon in Acts 3.

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Acts – Season 1 – Lame Beggar Healed

Marcus shares with us on how we have something to give to the world around us as we respond to the call of Jesus. – 04 July 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Devoted to Prayer and Biblical Community

Greg Matarelli Shares with us on living devoted to our relationship with God and how that leads to a biblical lifestyle and community – 27 June 2021

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