The Father’s Love

TITLE: The Father’s Love
PREACHER: Richard Preston
DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday PM

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Creating a Resting Place

TITLE: Creating a Resting Place
PREACHER: Richard Preston
DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday AM

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How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

TITLE: How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
PREACHER: Eddie Bakker
DATE: 3 June 2012 – Sunday AM

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We Are in a Battle

TITLE: We Are in a Battle
PREACHER: Tyrone Daniel
DATE: 13 May 2012 – Sunday PM

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Healing and Testimonies

TITLE: Healing & Testimonies
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert and Others
DATE: 25 March 2012 – Sunday pM

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Healing & Impartation

TITLE: Healing & Impartation
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 18 March 2012 – Sunday pM

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Divine Healing

TITLE: Divine Healing
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 18 March 2012 – Sunday AM

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Having A Caleb Spirit

TITLE: Having A Caleb Spirit
PREACHER: Jim Lamont
DATE: 30 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Encouragement For The Bride

TITLE: Encouragement For The Bride
PREACHER: Alison Nicholas
DATE: 16 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Releasing Our God Given Potential

TITLE: Releasing Our God Given Potential
PREACHER: Roseanne Gourlay
DATE: 16 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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