Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Friday Morning | 29 March | Good Friday

It definitely was a “Good Friday”! We hear from Wayne as he takes us through the story that will have you on the edge of your seats about what happened the few days before Jesus’ Crucifixion.

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Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 31 March | Resurrection Sunday

He is Risen! His tomb is empty! We celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and are reminded about the work that Jesus has completed for us, so that we can be in relationship with the Father.

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Cornerstone Church Good Friday | 7 April | A Love Story


This Good Friday, we had the privilege of hearing from Clint, who preached on God’s love for us and our salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

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Cornerstone Church Resurrection Sunday | 9 April | The meaning of Christ’s resurrection


On Resurrection Sunday, Greg preaches on the meaning of Christ’s resurrection. He askes, “why do you seek the living amongst the dead?” – Luke 24:5

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JESUS: The Suffering Servant pt 2 (Good Friday 2021)

Marcus expounds on Jesus as the Suffering Servant, as part of our JESUS series and Easter weekend 2021.

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Resurrection Sunday 2020

Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” – John 11:25-26

Let’s celebrate the day history changed forever: When Christ was raised from the dead!

Good Friday 2020

Marcus and Adele lead us in a celebration of Jesus who died for the sins of the whole world.

Easter Sunday 2018 at Bedfordview

Resurrection Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 1 April 2018. Marcus Herbert preached on the resurrection of Christ and what it means for every believer and the world.

Easter Sunday 2018 at Rosebank

Resurrection Sunday morning at Rosebank, 1 April 2018. Shaun Mackay preached on the resurrection of Christ and what it means for every believer.