Marcus Herbert – Made to Fish, Commissioned To Go

We take a break from our Acts series and Marcus addresses the current situation in our country and what our response should be. – 18 July 2021

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Acts – Season1 – Peters Sermon At The Portico

Marcus shares with us as we look at the Peters Sermon in Acts 3.

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Acts – Season 1 – Lame Beggar Healed

Marcus shares with us on how we have something to give to the world around us as we respond to the call of Jesus. – 04 July 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Devoted to Prayer and Biblical Community

Greg Matarelli Shares with us on living devoted to our relationship with God and how that leads to a biblical lifestyle and community – 27 June 2021

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Marco Broccardo – Fathers Day

Marco, who leads Hope Rock Church in Austin Texas, Shares with us on the pursuit of God for us and the heart of The Father. – 20 June 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Responding To The Conviction of the Holy Spirit

Greg shares with us on our response to the conviction of The Holy Spirit – 13 June 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Peter’s Sermon

Marcus Herbert shares with us on the lessons we can take out of Peter’s sermon – 6 June 2021

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Elders Update – Direct from the new West venue!

Exciting times as we take occupation of our new venue for Cornerstone West! Check it out! Here’s also how you can get involved.

Marcus also encourages us to keep praying for people who are finding it very difficult through this season with Covid, and also talks about our prayer and fasting time coming up.

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Acts 2 – Season 1 – Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

Marcus encourages us around what took place when the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2, and why we need the Holy Spirit. – 30 May 2021

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