Wednesday Night Prayer – 8 April

Gather whoever you can, in your home or digitally, and let’s pray together!

Elders Update – Warfare

We’re in a war fought on many fronts. Here is our weekly encouragement and update from the elders. Craig also tells us how food donations are going. (Audio taken from the video.)

Coming Back to Life: Presume on the Love of God

Marcus encourages us to presume on the love of God.

You can stream the video or download the audio below.

Coming Back to Life: Rend Your Hearts, Not Your Garments

During the lockdown, Marcus Herbert continues to share from the book of Joel, sh0wing how it is relevant to our time and focusing on Joel 2: “Rend your hearts, and not your garments.”

You can download the audio (just the message) or watch the stream (includes worship).

Coming Back to Life: Marcus Herbert – LIVE STREAM

Marcus Hebert preaches about our response to fear and how we can continue to seek God and revival in this time – 22 February 2020

This message is available for audio download, alternatively you can watch the message on our Youtube channel.

Coming Back to Life- Gregg Matarelli

Greg Matarelli continues in our Coming Back to Life preaching series – 15 February 2020

Coming Back to Life: Marcus Herbert

Marcus preaches on Joel 1 and teaches about the redemptive nature of God and shows how we can repent and change our direction. – 8 March 2020

Coming Back to Life: Greg Matarelli

Greg Matarelli continues on Joel Chapter 1 and highlights the danger and destruction that sin brings, but, showing how we can live a life of freedom from sin in Jesus. – 01 March 2020

Keir Tayler: Equipping for Evangelism – 6 of 6

Keir Tayler teaches us on Equipping for evangelism – 01 March 2020

Unfortunately we had an error with our recording system, so the recording was lost.

Key Women: Lynor Van Rooyen

Lynor shares with us at Key Woman on Psalm 24 – 26 February 2020

Click Here for The Shepard Video