Find Hope: Psalm 2

David Gadelkarim Shares with us on Psalm 2 and how supreme God is, which is why we hope in Him. – 8 December 2019

A Call To Action: And They Loved Not Their Lives Even Unto Death

Greg Matarelli concludes our Call to Action series as he talks about being willing to lay our lives down in response to what God has done for us. – 1 December 2019

Key Women: Lynor van Rooyen – 27 November 2019

Lynor shares with us at Key Women – 27 November 2019

A Call To Action: Word Of Their Testimony

Marcus shares with us on the importance of having an understanding of what Jesus has done for us and sharing that with people through our testimony, and talks about always being ready to share our testimony and gives helpful handles on preparing it.

Bedfordview Key Woman- Sue Guthrie

Sue shares with us at Bedfordview Key Woman about what God has done in her life, and a testimony of God’s faithfulness – 16 November

Key Woman- Sonya Long

Sonya shares with us at Key Woman – 13 November

God Is Not Done With You Yet

Steve Wimble from City Hill Church in Hillcrest comes to share with us about Gods plan to mould us and use us for His Glory.

A Call to Action: The Importance of Sharing The Gospel

Marcus Herbert shares with us on the importance of sharing the gospel as well as some helpful tools and resources we can use to engage the people around us with the gospel.

The resources mentioned can be found on the church website under ‘Resources’

A Call to Action: The Blood of The Lamb

Marcus Preaches to us on The sacrifice Jesus made so that we can be made free, and how it gives us the victory over death.

A Call to Action: Revelations 12 – We are in a Battle

Greg Mattarelli preaches on Revelation 12 as we continue our A Call To Action preaching series.