Go Through the Gates (Bruce Benge)

Sunday, 19 August at Bedfordview. Bruce Benge (from the Village Church in New Zealand) shares with us on Isaiah 61 – “Go through, go through the gates; prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway; clear it of stones; lift up a signal over the peoples.”

One Sunday: Building for Generations (Tyrone Daniel)

Tyrone Daniel at our One Sunday gathering on 12 August, 2018 talks about how we can (and should) build our churches for the generations to come.

John 3:16 (Ian McKellar)

29 July 2018 at Bedfordview. Ian McKellar (from Church of Joy in Singapore, and who serves as part of the NCMI team) provides unique insight to us on the famous scripture of John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Freedom (Matt Jones)

29 July, 2018 at Bedfordview. Matt Jones (from Cornerstone Church in the U.A.E.) talks about living in freedom.

Key Women: Friendship

Kim van Rooyen shares on the subject of “friendship” at Key Women, Wednesday 25 July.

Values: Financial Freedom

22 July, 2018 at Rosebank. Nathan Gernetzky talks about why (and how) we value financial freedom as a church.

Values: Spiritual Warfare

15 July at Bedfordview, Craig Herbert speaks about the topic of “spiritual warfare”.

Values: Hearing God and Obeying

Sunday, 8 July 2018 at Bedfordview. Craig Herbert speaks about the value of hearing God and obeying what He says, as part of a series on our values and prayer.

Values: Prayer

1 July at Bedfordview, Marcus Herbert speaks on prayer and why this is a value for us as a church.

Values: Hearing and Obeying

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 8 July. Josh Benge speaks about how we hear God and obey what He says.