Key Women: The Significance of Outer and Inner Beauty

Lynor van Rooyen speaks on the significance of outer and inner beauty at Key Women, 11 April at Bedfordview

Values: Baptism in the Spirit (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 15 April 2018. Shane Rielly preaches on why we value the baptism in the Spirit.

Values: Baptism in the Spirit (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 15 April 2018. Wayne Howcroft preaches on why we value the baptism in the Spirit.

Values: Authenticity (Rosebank AM)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 9 April 2018. Marcus Herbert preaches on why we value authenticity as a church, and what that means.

Values: Authenticity (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 9 April 2018. Shane Rielly preaches on why we value authenticity as a church, and what that means.

Easter Sunday 2018 at Bedfordview

Resurrection Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 1 April 2018. Marcus Herbert preached on the resurrection of Christ and what it means for every believer and the world.

Easter Sunday 2018 at Rosebank

Resurrection Sunday morning at Rosebank, 1 April 2018. Shaun Mackay preached on the resurrection of Christ and what it means for every believer.

Easter Friday 2018 at Rosebank

Good Friday morning at Rosebank, 30 March 2018. Nathan Gernetzky speaks about what Jesus did on the cross, along with readings from various others.

Key Women: The Person of the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, 28 March 2018 – Julia Taylor shares on the person of the Holy Spirit at Key Women.Wednesday, 28 March 2018 – Julia Taylor shares on the person of the Holy Spirit at Key Women.

Values: The Priesthood of All Believers (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 25 March 2018. Shane Rielly speaks about the “priesthood of all believers” from 1 Peter.