The Wrath of God

RT Kendall speaks on the wrath of God and the judgement to come – and God’s way and means of salvation from it.

Sunday morning, 4 June 2017 at Bedfordview.

The Exchange Life Stories: Dave & Louella Humphrey

Dave & Louella Humphrey talk about where God is in the storm.

2 June 2017 at The Exchange.

Key Women: I AM: The Bread of Life

Sue van Niekerk explores the seven I AM statements of Jesus, delving more deeply into Jesus saying “I AM the Bread of Life.” (John 6:35)

24 May 2017 at Key Women Bedfordview.

The River: Baptism and the Spirit (Bedfordview AM)

Craig Herbert speaks about water baptism and how it relates to baptism in the Spirit.

21 May 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River: Community pt 2 (Rosebank)

Last week Nathan Gernetzky spoke about how God redeems us to bring us into community with Himself and others. Here, Nathan looks at how we as Christ-followers are called to grow in community and do everything we can to maintain it as a church.

21 May 2017 at Rosebank.

The River: Unity in the Gospel

Marcus Herbert speaks about how the Gospel breaks down barriers, as part of our “River” series on Ezekiel 47.


21 May 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River: Community (Rosebank)

Nathan Gernetzky speaks about the value, importance and privilege of community, in light of our series on Ezekiel 47 (“The River”).

21 May 2017 at Rosebank.

Your Story

Adele Herbert continues the theme of Kaleidoscope 2017 and speaks on “Your Story”.

14 May 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River: Unity in the Gospel Pt 2 (Rosebank)

Marco Broccardo continues to speak on how the gospel breaks down all barriers: racial, economical, cultural, and so on, in light of our series on Ezekiel 47 (“The River”).

14 May 2017 at Rosebank.

Kaleidoscope 2017: Saturday Session 3 (Leigh-Ann Ducroq)

Leigh-Ann Ducroq tells us her story.

13 May 2017 at Kaleidoscope 2017. This was the final Kaleidoscope 2017 session.