Bear Much Fruit: Characters of the Bible – David

As a spin-off of our Bear Much Fruit series, we’re looking at characters in the Bible who did bear good fruit for God. In this part, Greg Matarrelli looks at David.

11 December 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

Bear Much Fruit – Characters of the Bible: Jonah

As a spin-off of our Bear Much Fruit series, we’re looking at characters in the Bible who did bear good fruit for God. In this part, Craig Herbert looks at Jonah.

4 December 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

Elders Ordination

Grant Crawford ordains ten new elders to Cornerstone Church’s team!

27 November 2016 at Bedfordview PM.

Bear Much Fruit: Sowing and Reaping

The last part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Marcus Herbert looks at Galatians 6:6-10 in light of bearing fruit in God.

27 November 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

Joseph and a Life of Fruitfulness – Bedfordview PM

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Craig Herbert looks at the life of Joseph as an example for how we can unlock a life of fruitfulness in God.

20 November 2016 at Bedfordview PM.

Joseph and a Life of Fruitfulness

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Marcus Herbert looks at the life of Joseph as an example for how we can unlock a life of fruitfulness in God.

20 November 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

Water Everywhere

Marcus Herbert speaks about revival – what we are believing for our city.

13 November 2016 at Bedfordview AM


Bear Much Fruit: Calling and Serving

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Tebz Ntuli speaks about how we all have a calling, without exemption – and how we are all called to serve.

6 November 2016 at Bedfordview PM.


Bear Much Fruit: Fruit and Gifts

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Marcus Herbert explains how God has given us everything we need to bear fruit – the fruit of the Spirit, gifts, opportunities to serve, and much more.

6 November 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

What Gospel Have You Embraced?

by Greg Mc Alpine
4 November 2016 at The Exchange

Part of the King & His Kingdom series.