A Fierce Battle. A Glorious Saviour.

by Nathan Gernetzky
17 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Thinking About Being Rich Towards God

by Craig Herbert
10 July 2016 at Bedfordview PM

Rich Towards God Part 7 (FINAL)

by Craig Herbert
10 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Your Heart Not Your Performance

by David Gadelkarim
3 July 2016 at Bedfordview PM

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 (Right-click and choose ‘save link as’)

Rich Towards God Part 6: Generosity Part 4

by Marcus Herbert
3 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

The King and His Kingdom

by Greg Mc Alpine
1 July 2016 at The Exchange
Part of the King and His Kingdom series

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 (Right-click and choose ‘save link as’)



Hot or Cold?

by Steve Everett
26 June 2016 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/aj4gkruen3o8n92/20160626-PM-Steve-E-Hot-or-Cold.mp3?raw=1″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Storing Treasures in Heaven

by Nick Wienand
26 June 2016 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfrobv5j6b193hd/20160626-PM-Nick-W-Storing-Treasures-in-Heaven.mp3?raw=1″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Rich Towards God Part 6: Generosity Part 3

by Craig Herbert
26 June 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Michael Eaton: Hebrews Session 11 (last session)

Michael Eaton expounds on the book of Hebrews
23 June 2016
Session 11 (last session)