Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 May | Acts: Paul & Silas in Thesselonica


The Acts series continues with part 16, where Greg preaches on Paul and Silas in Thessalonica.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 May | Acts: Paul, Silas and the Philippian Jailer


after a two week break, we returned to our Acts series this past Sunday. In part 15, Marcus shared on Paul, Silashe and the Philippian jailer – Acts 16:16 – 40.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 April | Apostolic Input: Lance de Ruig


The past Sunday we were joined by Lance and Tanya de Ruig who lead Liberte Eglise in Montpellier, France. Lance’ preach is titled: Faith as strangers and exiles on earth.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 April | One Sunday: 40th Birthday Celebration


This One Sunday we celebrated 40 Years of Cornerstone Church. From 1983 to 2023 our God has and continues to be faithful. Thank you Jesus!

This morning we were joined by Tyrone Daniel, who leads the NCMI team. His preach is titled: What to contend for.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 16 April | Acts: The Conversion of Lydia [S3P14]


After a short break, we return to the Acts series. This week Marcus preaches on the conversion of Lydia.

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Cornerstone Church Good Friday | 7 April | A Love Story


This Good Friday, we had the privilege of hearing from Clint, who preached on God’s love for us and our salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

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Cornerstone Church Resurrection Sunday | 9 April | The meaning of Christ’s resurrection


On Resurrection Sunday, Greg preaches on the meaning of Christ’s resurrection. He askes, “why do you seek the living amongst the dead?” – Luke 24:5

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 2 April | Christ’s sacrifice and our mission + The Position of Faith


This Sunday we heard from Aaron and Lusani. Aaron preached on Christ’s sacrifice and our mission. Lusani tackles the question of the position of faith.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 March | Acts: The Macedonian Call [S3P13]


In Part 13 of the Acts series, Greg preaches on God’s providence and the importance of being led by the Spirit by looking at Paul and Timothy and the call of the Macedonian.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 19 March | Acts: Paul and Barnabas separate [S3P12]


Marcus continues to teach on Acts. In part 12 of the series, Paul and Barnabas separate after a sharp disagreement.

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