Past Cornerstone events

The Exchange (4 April)

The Exchange on 4 April


At our next exchange meeting we will look at the sixth letter to the churches in the book of Revelation, the letter to the church in Philadelphia. It was a church, seemingly weak in power, in the face of great persecution, yet faithfully enduring and committed to the Word of God and gripped by the character of Jesus. We will look at the opportunities they were awarded to serve Jesus and His promised protection they enjoyed.

The Exchange
Friday, 4 April
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start

Join our Exchange LinkedIn Group

Join our LinkedIn group where we will inform of upcoming events and have a space to discuss topics relating to The Exchange and the marketplace.

To join, click here and then click on the yellow JOIN button at the top right. (You may need to log in to LinkedIn.)

Alternatively, log in to LinkedIn, search for “The Exchange, Johannesburg”, click on it when it pops up and then click on JOIN.

Looking forward to connecting on LinkedIn!

The Exchange (7 March)

The Exchange on 7 March

Living passionately and enthusiastically

It’s The Exchange this Friday (7 March). We’ll be kicking off our new seven part series that looks at the seven letters to the churches in the book of Revelation and applies the principles found there to our roles in the marketplace.

This week we’re looking at the church in Laodicia, known for being lukewarm and blasé. We, however, are called to live passionately, enthusiastically and zealously in all that we do.

It promises to be a challenging and inspiring time!

The Exchange
Friday, 7 March
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start

Join our new Exchange LinkedIn Group

Join our new LinkedIn group where we will inform of upcoming events and have a space to discuss topics relating to The Exchange and the marketplace.

To join, click here and then click on the yellow JOIN button at the top right. (You may need to log in to LinkedIn.)

Alternatively, log in to LinkedIn, search for “The Exchange, Johannesburg”, click on it when it pops up and then click on JOIN.

Looking forward to connecting on LinkedIn!

The Story (14 – 16 March)

The Story

From strife to rest; from darkness to light; from death to life; from war to peace; from hate to love. This is the story of man and the story of God.

Experience The Story on Sunday evening – an evening of film, music and storytelling – on the weekend of 14 – 16 March at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview.

Tickets are R20 per ticket – why not buy a ticket for friends and family?

Friday, 14 March is a youth evening only – youth are invited to attend at NO COST. Show will open at 7pm.
Saturday, 15 March – show will open at 6pm
Sunday, 16 March – show will open at 6pm.

Food will be on sale. Or bring food to share!

Send this invite to friends!

The Story

Friday, 14 March – Sunday, 16 March
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Road East
Click here for a map
Tel: 011-616-4073
R20 per ticket
Friday evening for youth only – no cost for youth

First Impressions (15 March)

First Impressions Slide

The Perfect Wave and Ian McCormack – 28 February

Ian McCormack and some of the film-makers of The Perfect Wave will be with us on Friday, 28 February at 6pm at Bedfordview.

We’re looking forward to a great evening with them as Ian shares his story.

Here are details of the movie and a trailer:

wEEK 2

Ian McCormack at Bedfordview
on Friday, 28 February at 6pm
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map

Phone: 011-616-4073

Jake Isaac at Bedfordview (11 February)

Singer / Songwriter Jake Isaac from the U.K. is going to be at Bedfordview on 11 February! Not sure who Jake Isaac is? No problem, check out the video above. It might not be what you expect.

Jake Isaac

at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Road East, Morninghill
Click here for a map


TRANSFORMED: Junior Youth Camp 2014 (28 Feb – 2 Mar)


We’re looking forward to this year’s Junior Youth Camp! This year’s theme is “TRANSFORMED By the Holy Spirit”. Expect endless fun and plenty of time to enjoy God’s presence and learn more about Him!

The Junior Youth Camp is for Grade 3’s to Grade 7’s and will be taking place at Cyara YFC in the Magaliesberg. See the rest of the details below.

Download the registration form. We have limited space available but encourage your kids to bring a friend!

TRANSFORMED: Junior Youth Camp 2014

Venue: Cyara YFC, Magaliesberg/ Bekker School Road, Hekpoort (see map on registration form)
Date: 28 February to 2 March, 2014
Leaving Friday at 4:30pm from Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Returning Sunday at +/- 4.00pm to Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Ages: Grade 3 to Grade 7 – Please encourage your child to bring a friend.

Responding to the Call: Hennie Keyter tells us his story (23 February)

hennie_slideHis Call My All - CoverIn the 1970s Hennie Keyter was an angry young man, fresh out of military service for the apartheid government of South Africa, unsure of his path in life and deeply uneasy about his faith. When God revealed to him that He had a purpose for him and a calling on his life, at first Hennie was not ready to hear it.

When he finally accepted and understood his mission, a flame was lit in his heart that nothing could have extinguished. But nothing could have prepared him either for the extraordinary spiritual journey he was about to embark on which would take him wherever God wanted him to go: from Malawi, ‘the warm heart of Africa’, to Mozambique at the height of its civil war, where he was sentenced to death and faced a firing squad, from a less than welcoming beginning in Zanzibar, to the United Nations base at Lokichokio on the border between Kenya and Sudan (where on one trip he discovered that he had a price of US$10 000 on his head).

Desiring only to do the will of God and to spread the Gospel, Hennie took up the challenge of taking the Gospel to many of the countries on the African continent and in the Middle East, building up leaders and planting churches in poverty stricken areas, lands devastated by years of conflict and deprivation, and war zones where soldiers seemed to have lost everything, even hope.

At Responding to the Call, Hennie will share with us his story, looking back at his life in the service of the Lord and looking forward to the continuing mission God has for him and for us all.

He’ll also be launching his book His Call, My All. Check out the trailer for the book below:

You can order the paperback here or get the ebook at Amazon here. Hennie will also be launching the book at this event. The book will be selling for R140.

Responding to the Call: Hennie Keyter tells us his story

Sunday, 23 February at 6pm

at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview

Click here for a map

Phone: 011-616-4073


Hark! in the Park – 1 December

It’s that time of the year when we start winding down and spend more time with family, friends and those we love. Christmas Carol evenings are always a wonderful opportunity to get the kids out and enjoy a magical evening. Hark! In the Park, taking place on Sunday, 1 December, is one opportunity for you to invite friends and family and do just that.

The event features an exquisite market and plenty to do for the whole family, with exciting kids’ rides, a farm yard, jumping castles and more. The festivities kick off at 4pm with Carols by Candlelight starting at 7pm. Food will be on sale.

Entrance is free and the event is in support of local social initiatives overseen by the Ukwakha Isizwe Foundation – which includes hArt Ghontjie, a project that seeks to encourage and uplift underprivileged youth; hArt Educare, which aims to benefit, support and educate underprivileged youth; and the hArt Day Centre (in Primrose) which provide young children the opportunity to receive early childhood development. Other initiatives include Joshua House, a home for abandoned babies, and the Russell House foster home.

Bring your singing voices and enjoy a wonderful Christmas family outing!

Hark! in the Park
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview (click for a map),
Parking at Malan Ave, Morninghill
When: Sunday 1 December
Time: 4pm. Carols start at 7pm
Fun for the whole family!

The Exchange – 1 November

The Exchange on 1 November

with Trevor Hartley

It’s The Exchange next Friday, 1 November. Trevor Hartley will be sharing on the topic, Business and God’s Kingdom.

Trevor is a Leadership and Performance Practitioner whose passion for talent and organisational development has led him to be invited to speak at a number of well known organisations and institutes and to participate on a number of key talent development initiatives globally.

He began his career as a Chartered Accountant at Deloitte, where he transitioned to the Learning and Development field with his last position at the organisation being a National Learning Manager. After leaving Deloitte, he became a founding member of a niche learning and development company. During this time, Trevor also lectured at a well-known brand communications university on innovation and entrepreneurship. He then joined the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) to take up the position of Corporate Academy Product Director.

After that, he joined LeadStrong, a world class leadership, talent and business consultancy with an international influence and best practice experience in leading industries. The organisation’s vision is to be a catalyst for ‘unearthing potential’ while elevating the lives of the individuals, teams and communities that it partners with. See for more.

We’re looking forward to hearing Trevor’s talk on how business and God’s kingdom work together. See you next Friday!

The Exchange
Friday, 1 November
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast

Join our new Exchange LinkedIn Group

Join our new LinkedIn group where we will inform of upcoming events and have a space to discuss topics relating to The Exchange and the marketplace.

To join, click here and then click on the yellow JOIN button at the top right. (You may need to log in to LinkedIn.)

Alternatively, log in to LinkedIn, search for “The Exchange, Johannesburg”, click on it when it pops up and then click on JOIN.

Looking forward to connecting on LinkedIn!